
冬の欧州ひとり旅 五日目 ポルトガル

1日観光ツアーの日。スペイン人家族とオランダ人のカップルとともに、ミニバンに乗って和気藹々とリスボンを出発。郊外の山の上に、発電用の白い風車が沢山立っている光景が壮観。♪白色風車、安靜的轉著 、真實的感覺と口ずさみたくなるよね。ガイドさんと…

日記1(as of Dec. 30)

a-yo? I just had a chance to log in hatena and realized that the note that I sent from my cell phone with the photo below has not been updated... The photo was taken at Cabo Da Loca by the way. The very West end of the continent.I have spe…